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发表于 2020-8-16 00:18:12 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2020-8-16 06:44:20 | 显示全部楼层
SZSS666 发表于 2020-8-16 00:18
狮山缺一个大型文体中心,吴中区的就很棒,最近天天坐3号线去吴中区图书馆自修。每天9点开门,8:30就有好多 ...


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
Shanshui: Mountain and Lake
中国苏州ZF宣布,来自加州伯克利的TLS景观设计,为苏州狮山公园的方案深化团队。此新都市公园位于老苏州乐园原址,占地74公顷,逶迤于狮山脚下。她将成为未来苏州高新区至关重要的都市公共场所。新的公园景观核心 – 狮山,与新狮山湖紧紧相依,并被一条环形步行大道环绕。这条环形大道也组织着公园周边城市发展。此项目将会开启都市发展的独特篇章– 上承中国传统的“山水精神”,下接自然共生的原则– 都市山峰,森林,水生环境在共同作用下自然再生。同时,公园将会广泛开展艺术项目- 源于这座举世闻名的传统苏州文化特色的艺术项目。
The City of Suzhou, China has announced TLS Landscape Architecture, Berkeley, California as the winner of the Lion Mountain Park Design Competition. The new 74-hectare urban park, built on the grounds of an old amusement park and pond, is anchored by Shishan (Lion) Mountain. The park will become the key amenity of the newly-developing Suzhou High-Tech District. Lion Mountain forms the core of a new urban ecosystem complex and is united with the newly enlarged Shishan Lake by a great circular promenade which also organizes new development parcels surrounding the park. The project will be a unique urban effort to renew and regenerate mountain, forest, and aquatic environments using natural processes and the time-honored Chinese concept of Shanshui – the union of mountain and lake. An extensive public art program will draw on local cultural and artistic traditions in the heart of an ancient city famous for its historic core with architecture and courtyard gardens of UNESCO World Heritage status.


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:46:12 | 显示全部楼层

The work of the competition coincided with the Chinese government’s announcement of dramatically new Urban Work Guidelines emphasizing the importance of sound ecological and urban development practices including “Sponge City”, and recovery of local character and sense of place that is difficult to achieve in most new-city programs throughout China. Lion Mountain Park will be the first large scale public project in China constructed to demonstrate these new principles. Shishan Lake will be doubled in size and its water quality raised from a murky Level 3 to a sparkling Level 1 through the creation of a new sustainable watershed – harvesting annual rainfall and naturally cleaning new development area run-off that typically goes into overwhelmed city systems and intensifies downstream flooding. As the circular promenade unfolds around the site it will become the prime venue for daily social life modeled on the famous Ten Scenes of West Lake in Hangzhou. The park will create a unique high-value urban focus based not on the typical use of architectural monuments but on a diverse and flourishing nature and an ancient geological landmark named long ago for its resemblance to the head of a guardian lion. Soon this lion will roar once more!



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发表于 2020-8-16 06:46:35 | 显示全部楼层



Park construction will start in March, 2017. Other competitors included AECOM, Hong Kong; Sasaki Associates, Watertown MA.; and Hassell, Sydney, Australia. 64 North assisted TLS in the competition.

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发表于 2020-8-16 06:46:55 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:47:23 | 显示全部楼层
The Loop
山与湖被一个圆形步行道所环绕,这个环道帮助着人们在这个大型公园里很好的定位自己,并且可以把人们引领到不同的特色景点 –由我们所力图创造的属于这个时代的新狮山十八景。这是我们对闻名世界的杭州西湖十景的当代诠释。也是我们对意式小镇强调社交,家庭聚会,享受闲暇时光的公共空间设计的独特演绎。这将是一个城市里充满活动,充满探索,并且被茂盛的绿色所覆盖的好去处。
Mountain and Lake are bound together by a great circular social promenade that provides orientation on such a large site and gives access to a series of features and experiences along its circumference that create a new set of “18 Scenes” for the current era. This is a modern equivalent of the well-known West Lake of Hangzhou with the famous Ten Scenes along its shore. But also in the manner of the evening “passegiata” of Italian towns, this is a place to walk in a social way, with friends, with family, and spend time interacting with the entire community over a leisurely period of hours. This is a place in the city where there is always something to do, someone to see, a place to go surrounded by flourishing nature.


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:47:42 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:48:30 | 显示全部楼层
18 New Scenes
▼ 林间耳语 – 打造入口狮山路节点,“林间对话”由一系列20米高的可发光碳纤维材质杆子组成, 并且加之以叙事性声响艺术,包括狮山路的变迁故事,老苏州乐园声音的收集。
The Talking Forest – marking the primary threshold to the park from Shishan Road, the talking forest is composed of slender 20 meter tall carbon fiber light shafts, programmed with narrative sound art including ancient stories of Shishan and sounds/ recollections of the old amusement park.


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:48:48 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 林荫大道
The Promenade


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 狮山花海 – 是一座小型花园,有着不同季节花期,与不同设计的花田。人们可以在小径间穿梭,体会花海的魅力。
Flower Ocean – is an agricultural-scale demonstration garden with rolling waves of blossoms and perennials for strolling on rustic pathways and relaxing on wood benches.


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:49:24 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 最美城市中庭-荷花池栈道
Lotus Garden


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:49:43 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 观景绿廊 –构造了看狮山的好地点,与欣赏湖边音乐表演的好去处。绿廊也兼具了喷雾功能,为多种表演增添活力。
Mountain Viewing Trellis – frames a space for views of Lion Mountain as well as for musical performances along the lake. Mist and drifting songs flow through its permeable structure.


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:50:02 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 带有“漂浮湿地”的狮山湖移动派对岛
Party Barge on Shishan Lake with floating wetland attached


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发表于 2020-8-16 06:50:29 | 显示全部楼层
▼ 云端索桥
“Poem Bridge” linking Lion Mountain with its smaller “sibling”


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