发表于 2022-12-20 11:55:23
/ #MONACO / 亮燈啟動 亮麗啟航
位處啟德城中心的 MONACO 及 #GRANDEMONACO 住宅項目,剛於今夜舉行了亮燈儀式,寓意入伙在即,臨海生活快將啟航!
項目坐擁矜罕優質地段,俯瞰維港璀璨海景¹,交通便捷,集世界級體育、文娛、消閒設施於一身²。住客會所「CLUB MONACO」³以雙會所設計,總面積逾 21,900 平方呎,並設區內罕見 50 米戶外泳池與園林「Yacuzzi」、25米室內恆溫泳池、2,500 平方呎兒童賽車場、遊艇艙歷奇樂園、24小時健身室、多功能宴會廳及戶外燒烤場等多項設施,全方位照顧每位住客身心靈所需。
/ Set Sail for the Glamourous Voyage /
The lighting ceremony has just been held at MONACO and GRANDE MONACO, celebrating the remarkable milestone that handover will soon be taken place!
Overlooking the magnificent view of Victoria Harbour¹, the residence is a perfect slice of paradise in Kai Tak city centre enjoying vicinity to extensive transportation, world-class sports and recreational infrastructures². “CLUB MONACO”³, the dual clubhouse stretches 21,900 sq. ft. to offer abundance of amenities you have wanted such as the signature 50m outdoor pool with the “Yacuzzi” surrounded by scenic landscape, 25m indoor heated pool, 2,500 sq. ft. kids racing track, Treasure Island, 24/7 gym space, multi-functional banquet halls, outdoor barbeque and more.
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