科技城核心区交通枢纽作为苏州西部重要交通枢纽,由多条轨道汇集应运而生,具体为:规划苏锡常城际铁路,规划轨道交通9号线、11号线、15号线,及已建有轨电车1号线交汇而成。为推动交通枢纽建设与周边发展有机融合,凸显太湖科学城服务核的城市形象,打造TOD站城一体化的“升级版”,树立“站产城融合”的国际典范。本次征集活动诚邀全球具有卓越水平和丰富经验的设计机构参与,以国际化视野、前瞻性思维,创新性理念,提供高标准、可操作的苏州科技城核心区TOD综合开发城市设计方案。     The transportation hub in the core area of Suzhou Science and Technology Town, with multiple rail transit lines converging, is an important transportation hub in western Suzhou. Specifically, there are the planned Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Intercity Railway, the planned Rail Transit Line 9, Line 11 and Line 15, and the existing Tram Line 1. In order to promote the organic integration of transportation hub construction and surrounding development, highlight the city image as the urban service core of Taihu Science City, create an "upgraded version" of the integrated TOD project, and establish an international model of "station-industry-city integration", this solicitation activity sincerely invites outstanding design institutions from all over the world to participate. With an international vision, forward-looking thinking, and innovative concepts, to propose high-standard and operable TOD design solutions for the core area of Suzhou Science and Technology Town.