发表于 2022-9-20 20:24:19
产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际论坛在杭州开幕 现场发布《产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际合作倡议》(杭州倡议)
9月19日,产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际论坛在浙江杭州开幕。与会嘉宾围绕“同舟共济,共克时艰,务实推动构建富有韧性的全球产业链供应链”这一主题,共同探讨加强全球产业合作、畅通国际物流、助力世界经济复苏等重要议题。论坛期间,中国同二十国集团主 席国印尼及智利、古巴、巴基斯坦、塞尔维亚6国共同发起《产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际合作倡议》,呼吁世界各国共同携手构建更具平等性、包容性和建设性的产业链供应链伙伴关系,共同建设美好繁荣的世界。
Initiative of International Cooperation on Resilient and Stable Industrial and Supply Chains
Build resilient and stable global industrial and supply chains
增强全球产业链供应链韧性和稳定性是助力各国经济复苏、畅通世界经济运行脉络、增进人类社会福祉的重要保障。中华人民共和国、智利共和国、古巴共和国、2022年二十国集团轮值主 席国印度尼西亚共和国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国、塞尔维亚共和国共同发起,阿根廷共和国支持,就此发表《产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际合作倡议》。
Strengthening the resilience and stability of global industrial and supply chains could help support economic recovery of all countries, ensure the smooth running of the world economy and improve the wellbeing of humanity. In this regard, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of Cuba, the Republic of Indonesia as G20 presidency in 2022, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the Republic of Serbia jointly propose the Initiative of International Cooperation on Resilient and Stable Industrial and Supply Chains, with the support by the Republic of Argentina, as follows.
We are committed to combining efforts with other countries to build resilient and stable global industrial and supply chains, aiming at a community of shared future for global development to address common risks and challenges. In this regard, our efforts include, but are not limited to:
1. Endeavour to promote openness and inclusiveness, maintain the rules-based multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as the cornerstone, contribute to strengthening the security of global industrial and supply chains, and jointly foster a fair, open and predictable market environment for global specialization and cooperation.
2. Endeavour to deepen technological innovation and cooperation, focus on the trend of technological development, and encourage businesses in various countries to jointly work on technological cooperation, research and development in every part of innovation and value chains at every level, in a shared effort to promote technological progress and industrial development.
3. Encourage green production and lifestyle, promote green technologies, processes and products to be applied across the board, and endeavour to jointly build green and low-carbon industrial and supply chains, to address a range of challenges confronting humanity, such as climate change, environmental pollution and resource scarcity.
4. Explore opportunities presented by digital economy and technologies, leverage the significant role that the next-generation information technologies are playing in driving industrial upgrading and economic recovery, bolster innovation and application of new technologies, contribute to strengthen cooperation on industrial ecology, strive to accelerate the digitalization, network and intelligence of industries, and reform the mode of production.
5. Promote better use of the planet’s resources by key industries, such as integrated circuits, new energies and biomedicine, and strive to support businesses in coordination and cooperation between the upstream and downstream parts of an industrial chain, in a joint endeavour to ensure sustainable supply in key areas.
6. Promote logistics infrastructure, endeavour to increase energy efficiency of ports around the world, strive to enhance cross-border rail connectivity and to improve international air freight and delivery logistics, promote capacity expansion and upgrading at borders and ports of entry, and make an effort to address choke points in current logistics and transportation, to ensure logistics and transportation throughout supply chains unimpeded.
7. Endeavour to reduce cost and increase quality and efficiency for logistics, encourage international logistics businesses to facilitate coordination, promote the interconnection and sharing of international logistics information, contribute to the development and mutual recognition of international standards and rules for logistics and supply chains, and strive to facilitate customs clearance at ports of entry, to ensure efficient operations of supply chains.
8. Consider the dominant role of businesses in the market, and encourage countries to take into account new challenges confronting businesses and endeavour to provide targeted policy support and skills training in their respective post-pandemic recovery plans, so as to better integrate themselves into global industrial and supply chains.
We ask all countries to join us in an equitable, inclusive and constructive partnership for industrial and supply chains, in a bid to jointly build a beautiful and prosperous world.