Two- and three-story retail pavilions activate the lakefront edge, while decreasing the development’s scale along the waterfront. Restaurants, cafes and amenity spaces take advantage of large terraces at the upper levels to further promote an indoor-outdoor lifestyle. 两层和三层的商场激活水岸,同时缩小滨水区的建设开发规模。餐厅、咖啡馆和休闲空间利用上层大露台提高室内外空间舒适度。 “Our vision for the project was to create a cultural destination and entertainment hub,” said James Zheng, AIA, LEED AP, CEO and president at GP, “while maintaining a village-like atmosphere and more intimate scale along the edge of Qingjian Lake.” “我们的设计理念是创建一个文化目的地和娱乐中心,”GP 首席执行官兼总裁、AIA、LEED AP, James Zheng 说到,“同时保持青剑湖畔水乡小镇的环境氛围和更近人的尺度规模”。
The project is currently in design, with construction scheduled to start next year and completion anticipated in 2026. 目前该项目正在设计过程中,预计明年开工,并于 2026 年竣工。