东莞民盈国贸中心,中国 Dongguan International Trade Center, China
东莞长期以来一直被视作中国最大的外国商品生产地,而今它希望把自己建设成为一个展示国人自主构思 设计产品的橱窗。东莞国际贸易中心于2012年在市中心破土动工,是一个总体规划的综合体开发项目,将会在树立城市新形象方面起到重要作用。竣工后,其底 部为一个六层高包括店铺和餐厅的商业综合体,上方则矗立着塔楼,塔楼内有专门为技术创新型公司准备的工作室。其他便利设施还包括一个溜冰场、一个圆形剧场、一个屋顶公园以及一个主题为东莞商业史的展览馆。
Long recognized as one ofChina’s largest manufacturers of foreign goods, Dongguan now hopes to establishitself as a showcase for products conceived and designed by home-grown talent.The Dongguan International Trade Center, a master-planned mixed-use developmentthat broke ground in the heart of downtown in 2012, will play a key role inshaping the city’s new identity. When completed, its five towers – includingstudios for creative technology companies – will rise above a six-level retailcomplex of stores and restaurants. Other amenities will include an ice skatingrink, an amphitheater, a rooftop park and an exhibition space highlightingDongguan’s commercial past.
5+Design 对该项目创意的灵感来自于东莞周边的自然风光,这当中包括黄旗山还有高耸在山顶上的灯笼,这些灯笼是用来纪念当年那棵印度榕树旁一群萤火虫为海中渔民照亮归途的传说。东莞国际贸易中心不仅设置有观景廊用以眺望山巅,还将提供便捷的地铁和公共汽车直抵一个设有著名景点的人工山谷,人们可以在那里聚会、购物、 就餐、嬉戏。石墙、露台、广场仿佛与喷泉、瀑布以及苍翠的植被交融。一道道阳光透过玻璃天窗洒向下层的店铺,使得玻璃桥下一览无余的下景象更加清晰。
5+design’s vision forthe project was inspired by Dongguan’s natural surroundings, namely HuangqiMountain and, at its peak, the lantern commemorating the spot where thelegendary glow of fireflies around a banyan tree guided fishermen home from thesea. Sited to create view corridors to the mountaintop, the DongguanInternational Trade Center will offer convenient subway and bus access to aman-made valley of prestigious places to meet, shop, dine and play. Fountains,waterfalls and lush plantings will soften stone walls, terraces and plazas.While sunlight streams through a glass skylight to brighten lower-level shops,glass bridges will afford unobstructed views of everything below.
虽然该项目的塔楼形状设计各具特色,但它们通过材料(反光玻璃和金属面板)保持了相似性,之间通过显眼的行人草坪相互连接。最高塔楼——一座顶部有一个俱乐 部、一处观景台和一个标志性灯笼的办公楼——将高达426.9米,使之成为目前世界第25高的摩天大楼。其斜切的轮廓容易让人联想到含苞待放的玉兰花,即 这座城市的市花。260米高的塔楼包含办公区和一个俱乐部,上层为住宅楼。195米高的塔楼将设有一家银行。其他两个相对较低的塔楼则会分别应用于酒店和 创新工作室。
Though the project’s five towers feature distinctive shapes anddesigns, they will share a family resemblance through their materials(reflective glass and metal panel) and connect with one another via theeminently walkable campus. The tallest tower – an office building crowned by aclub, an observation deck and a symbolic lantern of its own – will rise 426.9meters, making it the 25th tallest skyscraper currently proposed in the world.Its chamfered silhouette is intended to evoke the yulan magnolia, the officialcity flower, in bud form. A 260-meter tower will contain office space and aclub topped by residential floors. A 195-meter tower will house a bank. Twoshorter towers will serve as a hotel and creativestudios, respectively. |