design update
http://www.woodsbagot.com/projec ... wer-chongqing-china
Protected by a city law limiting new buildings higher than 400m, this project will dominate the skyline of Chongqing for the next 10 years, measuring 431m high. Its location on the most elevated city site further accentuates the tower’s built form and scale in the city.
The stacked form of the skyscraper creates an iconic architectural form with a mixed use function. The building’s top section will house the Ritz-Carlton hotel with 280 rooms, with high end apartments in the mid-section and offices in the lower section, over a ballroom and retail podium of 10 levels, with basement car parking and the existing metro station underneath.
A major design challenge in this project is the complexity of linking into the existing podium conditions, and the vertical stack of different functions in the super tower, joining with an existing retail podium and fully redeveloping an existing hotel structure into a new 120-meter luxury apartment building of 240 units.
Location: Chongqing, China
Address: Mingsheng Road, Mingquan Road, Chongqing, China
Area: 371,200 m2
Approx value: CYN 216,400,000
Status: Design
Client: East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co Ltd
Collaborative partners: ECADI
Scope: Mixed use development, renovation of a 96,000m2 hotel to serviced apartment and podium retail, and new development of 210,000m2, 400m tall tower with hotel, office, residential and retail.