本帖最后由 gete 于 2020-7-20 13:28 编辑
▼建筑概览,project overview ©苏圣亮
首届平遥国际电影展选址于平遥原柴油机厂。厂区内多数厂房建于 70 年代,不具备突出的工业建筑历史风貌。电影节所需要的大尺度公共活动空间,由四栋原有厂房改造而来,基本维持立面的原貌,只是整顿门窗,并加建部分建筑。
The first Pingyao International Film Festival was held in the original diesel engine factory of Pingyao, most buildings of which were built in the ’70s with an industrial feature that is subtly less brutal than most industrial sites. As usual, this film festival requires large-scale public spaces, which were met by renovating four existing plants. Except for some necessary new constructions to accommodate more programs, the renovation design maintains the original historical presence of the plants with a restrained touch on façade openings.
▼古城内的建筑最大限度保留原有肌理,the renovation design prioritizes the historic preservation, following the original factory campus fabric ©苏圣亮
Constructions in Pingyao should comply with heritage protection codes, such as regulations on building height, volume, and roof form, etc. The renovation design prioritizes the historic preservation, following the original factory campus fabric, absorbing the inherent architectural elements from the factory, being conservative about introducing any new style except form some dramatic emphasis at limited locations, which responds to its program as a film festival, thus creating a combination of history and modern that blurs the sense of time belonging.
▼露天剧场楼梯,entrance stairs to the open air theatre ©苏圣亮
▼门厅入口立面,lobby facade ©苏圣亮
▼500人影厅立面,500-seat cinema hall ©苏圣亮
▼露天剧场主入口,main entrance to the open air theatre ©苏圣亮
After the international film festival, the buildings would be reused as a film culture plaza and cinema open to the public. Having witnessed its transformation from an old factory to a contemporary international film palace, it’s realized that the factories that ceased to serve the city could continue to play new roles in cultural industry. Instead of just being static antiques for reminiscence, the industrial heritage sites could be brought back to the public life of the city as stimulations.
▼休憩空间,seating area ©苏圣亮
▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view to the site ©苏圣亮
主创及设计团队:廉毅锐、任飞、许笑梅、刘磊、陈宏、焦泽通、陈猛、李丹、Brian Wong、周宇、郭玉夏、谭静、王笑宇、刘思嘉
客户:平遥县住房保障和城乡建设管理委员会 |
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